Periodization: The Secret Weapon for Winning Auditions
Do you ever find yourself peaking for your audition too early or too late? Do you feel yourself drained of energy before you even get to the audition? Or are you feeling so mentally and physically fatigued that you aren’t even motivated to prepare? If so, you are...
Performance pressure never goes away so how do we handle it? (Series – Part II of II)
In last month’s column, I discussed beta blockers and their effects. As you know, these drugs are widely used by musicians to lower their heart rate and blood pressure, and to decrease other physiological symptoms of the fight/flight response. Like any other drug,...
Real talk about beta blockers (Series – Part I of II)
I’ve been fortunate in my career to counsel musicians and athletes on how to do their best under extreme pressure and achieve peak performances at the right time. One thing I focus on is learning how to control and channel performance energy. While the mental training...
How to prepare for musical curveballs
PIC CRED: Jose Francisco Morales <p><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <span style="font-weight: 400"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> Over my 34-year career, I have heard some wild audition stories: candidates on the stage who can...
Is continuing education in mental training necessary for performing artists?
Let's think about some different professions: physicians, nurses, dentists, social workers, lawyers, CPA’s, physical therapists, cosmetologists, architects, estheticians, paralegals, and social workers. What do all these careers have in common? They are required to...
Meditation versus Centering: What is Best for Performing Artists?
There are all sorts of mental training strategies and methods available for performing artists. These include meditation, biofeedback, visualization, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, autogenic training, and the Centering Process. Which of these are you familiar...
The Secret Weapon to Winning Auditions (Guest Blog for
I am really excited to have written a guest blog for Click on this link: The Secret Weapon to Winning Auditions to visit the blog. In this blog, I delve into the periodization process that I have found to be so helpful training both performing...